OnWednesday, June 8th 2011 were given prizes for the winners “e-Forbes & Onet.pl diamonds". E-Diamonds Forbes & Onet.pl is the prizes for companies that have the most developed corporate Web sites. Were taken: presentation, products / services, the use of e-solutions, make electronic payments and service functionality. In this edition of the e-diamond Mostostal Puławy SA took second place.
1st level prize in the Polish “Construction of the Year 2001” Contest organised by the Polish Society of Construction Technicians and Engineers for completion of Melamine Production Facility No. 2 in the Pulawy Nitrates Plant.
1st place in the “Employer of the Year 2002” contest in Construction in the Large Enterprise Group, awarded by the National Association of Employers in Construction to Tadeusz Rybak – President of the Board of Mostostal Pulawy S.A.