Our company was again ranked among the group of fastest-growing enterprises gathered in exclusive Business Gazelles Club. The ranking was prepared by the business daily "Puls Biznesu".
Mostostal Pulawy S.A. was honored with the title of The Prominent Exporter of the Year 2008 and got the Cup of The Association of Polish Exporters – the trophy was awarded in recognition of outstanding achievements in the field of export’s development.
Mostostal Pulawy S.A. was honored with the title of The Pearl of The Polish Economy 2008 in category of The Big Pearls of The Polish Economy 2008 in recognition of consistent realization of Mostostal’s strategy and policy. This trophy underlines our leader position among the most dynamic and the most effective companies in Poland.
This ranking was drawn up and compiled by scientists from the Institute of Economics at the Polish Academy of Sciences and the economic magazine "Polish Market".
Steel Construction- Realization of the Year 2008Steel Construction- Realization of the Year 2008Roofed cycling track BGŻ Arena in Pruszkow realized by Mostostal Pulawy S.A. – the General Contractor of the object, was honoured by Polish Chamber of Steelworks (PIKS) with the title of Steel Construction- Realization of the Year 2008. This title confirms high quality of performed works, interesting and modern architecture and unquestionable esthetic assets of the building, that aspires to be one of the world‘s most beautiful in its category.
Mostostal Pulawy S.A. has collected an award in the first edition of "Ambassador of Polish Economy" competition in the Exporter category. The competition was held under the patronage of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Business Centre Club.
mbassador of Polish Economy promotes Poland on the international arena as a trustworthy economic partner, supports good image of Polish businessman, contributes to economic development of our country, attracts investors and builds a capital of confidence for Poland and Polishmen.